Best benefits of zero defect manufacturing to avoid issues later

Want to know about zero-defect production, you are in the right place. It started more then fifty years ago as steps to the quality improvement process by Philip Crosby for manufacturing units to produce zero defect products. 

It also reduced the traditional way of various manufacturing units working in isolation but now well connected for better development. Some call it a movement or culture or philosophy or even a mentality, but it only aims to minimize the number of defects in the manufactured products.

Zero defects in manufacturing

Zero defects in manufacturing reduce making defective products. In other words, it helps manufacturers not to waste time and money on rectifying products later with the loss of reputation and double work. The major advantage if it is of not having any distinct rules or steps to follow to attain zero defect products. Hence is effective as it adapts to any situation, industry, business, or profession.

Zero defects manufacturing in automotive

With customer satisfaction, the end goal of any manufacturing process, zero-defect manufacturing in the automotive sector provides just that. With the lower cost of labor and price per unit, it gives the highest customer satisfaction. Following this zero defect, culture in the automotive industry will reduce defect products, which could later jeopardize the whole assembly unit of a vehicle. Hence rather than any other industry, it is useful more in the automotive industry. Therefore knowing its following benefits will help in manufacturing zero defect products.

 Benefits of zero defects manufacturing

       Enables the products with the appropriate quality standards to easily pass through any quality tests of any regulators worldwide
       Reduces the importance of quality inspection and mainly correction of the products
       Zero defect management is with less trouble, less expensive but more particular and accurate to reduce future defect correction.
       Satisfies both the need and specific requirement of the customers for their satisfaction
       Avoids PONC or price of non-conformance is the hidden cost of the defective product for its inspection, reworking, wasted material, labor, customer satisfaction and above all revenue

Bar Code India helps manufacturing units to develop the zero defects manufacturing culture by making them think holistically of all their manufacturing operations.


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